miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016


Yes, yes, I know. What happened before was not your fault. 
It was too soon. It was too late. 
It was too much. They didn´t ask. They didn´t tell. 
You didn´t know. It was unfair. It hurt. 
They lied. You cried. It was a mistake. It was a crime.

But that was then.

And Now is the only cure for then.

We have a saying in Zen: When an object can no longer offend,
it ceases to exist in the old way. 
There is no one left to take offense. There is only love. 
The love that never leaves.

Love is what we are, when we drop all the things that stand in the way.

So, forget the story, and do not replace it with another.
Forget what might have been and what might yet be.
The past is gone and the future will arrive on schedule.
Forget and you will know genuine gratitude.
Gratitude is the fruit of letting go.

Karen M. Miller

Hoy no perdono,
No es (y nunca fué), necesario.
No hay ofensa, 
ni alguien ofendido.
Hubo daños
y también, amor derramado,
el camino ( y el corazón), 
están liberados.

Hoy me abismo ante el misterio
de la vida, y mi imposibilidad de abarcarlo
y doy gracias
por el tiempo concedido
y por poder estar, 
gran regalo.

Hoy soy un poquito más
ese amor del que soy capaz,
ese don que me fue encomendado.

Y desde ese nuevo lugar
sigo caminando.

I can make my life whole, and only I can do it.
Karen M. Miller

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